>> David: Well, those are the direct benefits.
There are also many indirect benefits. And the first one that came up for me was, that
this experience of this course, this seminar can give you success in any field that you
want. If you're energy and the field is energy, and you know how energies interact and all
that, you can automatically create success, however you define success. We're not limited
to success in terms of money or in terms of fame or in terms of anything, any particular
That's up to you to define your performance, OK? We don't place limits on that either.
You can define your performance in any way you want.
>> Ronny: Most people's energies are divided between many different things. They don't
understand the dynamics of energy, plus their energy is spread out between all these different
things, plus they have to do so many things they don't like to do and exhaust their energy
on those things. Once you understand how to focus your energy on the things you really
want, that's a really powerful skill, and it will bring progress in the things you love
to do really rapidly. >> David: And guess what, you're going to
feel happiness.
You're going to feel joy. You're going to feel ecstasy, even.
>> Ronny: Bliss. >> David: Bliss. Yeah.
And that joy and happiness
is going to spread to all the people around you. You know there are certain people that,
when they go home from the party, it's like the air goes out of the room. Psssst. The
energy level drops perceptively.
Well, what is it about those people? What do they have
that we don't have? I mean, what does geniuses have, for example, that the ordinary person
doesn't have? Nothing really, except they decided to be a genius. What does a successful
person, or a happy person have, that the ordinary person doesn't have? Nothing! They're ordinary
people too. They just decided that they're going to be happy and they found some key.
Well, we want to share with you that key. And you'll automatically share it with the
other people around you.
That's what we want to do. It also gives you more resilience to
stress and pressure. You know in this life there are certain situations that come up
that are stressful. We just went through a big move.
We moved twice in one month. [Laughs]
From a very quiet beach situation to downtown Barcelona in the height of the tourist season.
>> Ronny: Well for us it was hardly any stress involved at all; it was like an adventure.
>> David: That was the cool thing about it. Yeah, we took what would ordinarily be stress
for most people, and we turned it into fun. We started playing with it.
We had a blast!
>> Ronny: We even met new people and had new exchanges and experienced synchronicity.
>> David: Yes, because--here's another benefit. You can be yourself, who you really are, and
face the world, in any situation. Like last year I went through this tremendous scandal,
where a bunch of so-called students of mine outed me. And so all of a sudden I'm like
out of the closet.
And I was working in the religious realm. And it was a tremendous stressful
situation. So many people turned their back on me and walked away. And I had thousands
of people following me.
So just imagine how much stress was involved with that. But guess
what? I can face the world because I am who I am. And nothing is going to change that.
If you like it, well fine. If you don't, well that's fine too.
Go your way, brother. And
we'll meet again another day when you are ready for this.
>> Ronny: This is one of my prime benefits, because I've always been shy, and I've always
been like, intimidated by other people's judgement and consciousness. Well, now I'm creating
a scene every day here, just by being myself. I'm turning heads and I have to deal with
all this consciousness, and I'm getting to like it.
So, this will be great. I'll just
keep immersing myself in these situations where I am exposed to many people's consciousness
and eventually I'll be able to be myself at all times, and then with this technology on
how to relate to energy, how to manipulate energy, it's a blast, it's an adventure.
>> David: The next benefit is that it releases the tension between being and desire or aversion.
Desire and aversion are just two sides of the same coin.
>> Ronny: Pushing and pulling energy. >> David: It's either what we want or what
we don't want. And we are separating ourselves from that and saying "This is something outside
me." Or no, actually, it's something that is showing up in your space.
The space that
you are. That means, you created a space that is the shape of that thing, OK? If you get
something you don't want, it means you attracted it. And not wanting something is about the
best way to get it to show up. [Laughs] >> Ronny: Yeah, not wanting something attracts
"The Secret" is total bogus. If you... >> David: He means the video.
>> Ronny: Yeah, the video, the book. Disinformation.
If you always think, "Oh I want this, I want
this," you're going to push it away. Like me when I was a young boy, I always wanted
the girls. I always pushed them away. When I stopped like, grasping, that's when everything
>> David: Including you.
>> Ronny: Including me. [Laughs] >> David: So our duality between who we are
and what we want is due to a wrong way of seeing things. A wrong way of looking at things,
because both what we want and what we don't want is already present within ourselves,
and when you experience yourself as a space where stuff shows up--in other words consciousness--you
can shape your consciousness in any way you want. If you want love, be love.
If you want
prosperity, be prosperity. And prosperity will show up. Just create a bunch of value,
man. You don't even have to charge for it.
People will give you money. I mean, come on.
I've been through this. I've experienced this many times over, the last few years especially.
You don't have to worry about making a living. You don't have to take a job.
You don't have
to be a slave of some asshole who is making a big profit on your work. No!
>> Ronny: Just do what you love. Create value. >> David: Yes.
And spread it around. And guess
what? People will love you back. >> Ronny: Maybe not the people you've been
hanging around with... >> David: [snorts] No.
>> Ronny: Because they're attached to your ontological constraints...
>> David: Stop using them big words Ronny...
>> Ronny: No, I won't!
>> Davd: ...You're gonna scare everybody off.
>> Ronny: They're attached to the weeds that grow in your field. And when you start rooting
out your weeds, clearing your field, people won't like that.
>> David: Well let's put it this way, this is another benefit. Get what you want without
desire and struggle. Get what you want without desire and struggle.
This is a great benefit;
this is one of the best benefits of the whole thing, but it's actually an indirect benefit.
Because it comes automatically when you be who you are. In psychology, there is something
called the shadow. And the shadow is part of the subconscious mind (so-called "subconscious
mind"). I don't like that term, but anyway: These are the things that follow you around
and come up all the time, especially at the most inconvenient moments [laughs] and sabotage
These are our unexamined assumptions, our unaddressed issues. The parts of ourselves
that we don't want to allow to be. That we are afraid to be. Or afraid people will reject
us or whatever, if we allow ourselves to be those things.
We try to hide them. But guess
what. [Laughs] You can't hide them. You simply throw them into the shadow.
And then wherever
you go, there's that shadow, following you. Imitating your every move, right?
>> Ronny: And it will attract what you don't want.
>> David: It will attract exactly the part of you that you're trying to deny.
>> Ronny: So that you can learn. You have to go through that, and learn what you're
supposed to learn, and grow out of that box. >> David: But see; every test, every crucible,
has the possibility of failure.
It has the possibility that you will fail to confront,
or fail to resolve the issues that are coming up at the time. So, if you do that, that issue
or that crucible experience goes into your shadow and it follows you around, and the
next time you are weak or vulnerable, that will come up. Somebody will push your button,
and boom, you'll be triggered all over the place. We know how to resolve the shadow issues.
We create, like, a simulator.
You know like when pilots learn to fly a big jet plane,
they don't go out and crash a few planes first. They spend time in a simulator, and they learn
how not to crash the plane, and then they fly the plane. So, in our seminar, you will
learn how to go through and deal with a crucible experience. A crucible is where they heat
metals for casting, and it gets very very hot.
But if you go out of the crucible, then
guess what, you're in the fire. Out of the frying pan into the fire! We teach you how
to deal with the situation that's creating the crucible. The frying pan. And the fire.
And then that does no longer trip you up.
You get increased energy. I'm an old man,
I'm 65 years old, but I have the energy of like, a 20 year old, and I can create stuff
all night and day. Unlimited creative energy. I have more ideas than I know what to do with.
It's a wonderful state of being: very fertile and creative.
And it's only because I know
who I really am. I know what my real purpose in life is. I know why I'm here on this planet,
what I came here to do. And I'm in the process of doing it.
>> Ronny: You have access to all your energy.
>> David: That's right. I have access to it.
I have a handle on it. Yeah, I'm not suppressing anything. I'm not constrained by my ontological
considerations, to use the technical terminology.
So I don't get myself hung up over this or
that. I simply, whatever needs to be done, in the context, I do it. And that's it, I
respond to it, and then I return to myself. And I am who I am.
It's hard to explain. It
sounds really funny, it sounds, you know, tautological. "I am who I am." It sounds like
Popeye or something, or Yogi Berra. [Laughs] >> Ronny: You've taken out all those false
ideas about who you are.
You've examined what's real and what is illusion.
>> David: Yeah. What is coming from myself, and what is coming from something outside
of myself, superimposed upon me. And I relax those things that are coming from outside,
and I put my energy into those things that are coming from my true self, that allows
me to manifest myself exactly as I really am. And guess what? Nobody can stop you from
doing that.
>> Ronny: Only yourself.
>> David: Yes. Right, we're almost through the list. We might have to make up some more.
[Laughs] >> Ronny: Oh, there's more.
>> David: No problem, no problem. >> Ronny: Gives powerful experience of meaning
and purpose in life.
Everyone has different theories about what is the good thing, what
gives meaning. But actually experiencing those things are something completely different.
>> David: Well, when something has meaning, that means it has value. Like when we love
somebody we say, "You mean so much to me." The meaning of 'meaning' in that situation
is value: "You give me value. Your presence in my life is a tremendous value." Why? It
allows me to realize something about myself.
How I love, or how I am a space for people
to show up, beautifully. And everyone is beautiful; everyone has their inner beauty. But most
people cover it. They hide it.
They don't show their real light, because they are afraid.
"Well, somebody's going to criticize or somebody's going to judge me," or whatever. We firmly
understand that who we are is not only beautiful and valuable, but we can't help but be who
we are. We can't be anything else, really. >> Ronny: Just by being a human being, you
have intrinsic value and beauty.
>> David: And everyone is unique. We're not
going to tell you, "You have to be like this, you have to be like that." That's for you
to discover by yourself. We simply give you the tools, how to do that. And the final one
that I wrote was that this seminar resolves the blocks to being, doing or having anything:
anything whatsoever.
Any vision of any scale is possible, because we have eternity. But
even on the human scale, anything you want to be, do or have in this life, is certainly
possible for you. Anything whatsoever. And any belief that you might have to the contrary
is a block, or as we call it an 'ontological constraint,' meaning a way of being that you
think you can't be.
Or something that you want to do and you think you can't do. Well,
if you think you can't, then you certainly can't. If I think that I can't learn Spanish,
and here we are living in Spain, [laughs] no matter how long I stay here, I'll never
learn. But if I think, oh yeah, I can learn that.
It's not a big problem, and I just immerse
myself in the culture, I mean, here we are living with a bunch of Spanish people.
>> Ronny: You can't avoid learning Spanish, if you are a space where Spanish can show
up. >> David: Yes. Right. Even though I don't
know anything about Spanish I find myself speaking it every day, and people are somehow
[Laughs] Mi Espaniol es un disastro. But you know, somehow I can communicate.
It's not about the language; it's about the desire or the being of someone who is communicating,
and I can have the being of someone who's communicating in any language. Sometimes we
use French, Spanish, English, German, Sanskrit, all in one paragraph.
>> Ronny: 70% body language all the time. >> David: Yes.
And somehow it works. So it's
not about knowing. You notice I didn't say "Resolves blocks to knowing." I said "Resolves
blocks to being, doing and having." These are substantial. These are tangible.
>> Ronny: Experiences, not theory..

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