So the purpose of hijab, in addition to showing that you believe in God and submit yourself to God, is to hide your beauty. Hijab is God's way of protecting women from being seen as sex objects. By putting emphasis on what's within rather than appearance. It is a matter of modesty, to not dress provocatively and encourage lust.
It's about keeping women from expressing their sexuality, because sexuality is a private matter. It belongs only behind closed doors and within a marriage. THAT is the reasoning... So keeping all that in mind, it's REALLY fucking sick to let children wear hijab! What the fuck does a 9-year old have to be "modest" about? Cover your hair and don't wear shorts, it looks too sexy.
IT LOOKS TOO SEXY. What if the good muslim men only see you for your 9-year old cunt and not your intellect? Should you really slutshame 9-year olds? Must a 9-year old wear something on her head for you to understand that you shouldn't fuck her? It's blatant pedophilia. Allowing small girls to wear hijab means that their bodies are being sexualised. The burden of chastity should not be put on minors.
It should be illegal for young girls to wear hijab. Because according to the religious meaning the veil shows that you have thoughts of being sexually active and choosing a partner for marriage. Is that something 12-year olds should be doing? Children wearing hijab is about as disgusting as beauty pageants for children. And thongs for kids, and padded bras for kids.
Or 9-year olds in revealing clothes dancing around in very dubious dance shows. And 11-year old pop stars doing "sexy" music videos. And I really emphasize "sexy" in quotation marks here. It's very odd that there are societies on Earth where they put 18-year age limits on porn, because it's so important to protect children from sex.
But it's completely fine for children to BE sexy. Some people are probably gonna say that hijab "is just an article of clothing". Are you retarded or something? It's not an ordinary fucking scarf you buy at hlens. It is clothing with a religious meaning.
It is directly connected to Islam. Read the Qur'an and you'll see the sexual context of it all. It says that both men and women shall lower their gaze and exercise modesty. All Im saying here is that hijab should be a personal, conscious choice that the woman makes only by her own initiative.
Not something the family has pressured her into. Some women think hijab makes them feel like locked in a cage, for obvious reasons. While other women think it's liberating, they feel hijab liberates them from society's obsession with appearance and beauty ideals. Which is something many men might not understand since most men don't know what it's like to have to wear make-up every day.
With hijab you don't have to worry about what your hair looks like or if you're pretty enough. These women cover themselves so a man will get to know them for their personality, and not their looks. There lies a charm in that notion. After all, we do live in a very shallow society where it's not at all rare that men lie to women and tell them they love them and promise them just about anything, just to get to fuck them for 10 minutes.
It's not rare that men exploit women sexually like that so trust me, I can understand why hijab would appeal to some. And if a grown woman wants to wear hijab you should respect that, the same way we respect nuns. But then it should be a grown woman making that adult decision. It shouldn't be a decision that's the result of many years brainwashing and social pressure.
If you're not allowed to fuck children you shouldn't be allowed to expose them to religion either. People usually say that children aren't ready for sex, and that's true, but they aren't ready for religion either. Even adults struggle to understand religion. They study religious texts, they discuss with one another.
They interpret things differently. Sometimes those interpretations lead to bloody conflicts. Just look at the Middle East. How the fuck are you gonna force something onto children when not even adults can figure it out and handle it? "BUT WE MUST BE ALLOWED TO TEACH CHILDREN GOOD MORALS" Yeah, you really need a 1000 year old book to teach your kids that you shouldn't steal and murder.
That's totally not a conclusion you could have reached on your own, NO WAY, someone has to point it out for you! If you need religion to be able to tell right from wrong then you lack empathy and intelligence, not religion. Every ideology, every idea, every thought should be judged not only by it's potential for good, but also it's potential for evil. With religion the risk is simply far too big that the child's personality is oppressed. And the last thing a young human in their stage of development needs is to be oppressed simply for being their own person.
As if school and society doesn't do enough damage as it is. Subjecting children to religion should be illegal since it's psychological torture. Do you know how impressionable young children are? Do you know how easy it is for them to believe in loose fantasies and imagine things? To seriously tell a young person whose brain isn't fully developed that they're going to be tortured for all eternity if they don't get certain opinions is immoral, sick and a form of assault. There's a reason you're not allowed to fuck 12-year olds.
Even if they go along with it it's still exploitation because in that age you're not actually capable of giving consent. You cannot make properly measured decisions. Adult decisions. Furthermore, an adult is in a position of power against the 12-year old, more than they would be against someone their own age.
It's also common for the young person to be in a position of dependence towards the elder person. To exploit that position of dependence is exactly exploitation. The same applies for religion, it can even apply to politics. Young people are more or less forced into having certain opinions because of the position of dependance they have to their family.
Because they seek acceptance and affirmation from their family. It is then immoral of the family to use emotional dependance as a tool to shape the child according to their own needs and values. That's something religious parents never understand. The necessity of the child being religious is about the parents needs, not the childs.
The child will manage just fine without religion. "BUT OF COURSE I SHOULD RAISE MY CHILD ACCORDING TO WHAT I THINK IS RIGHT" "I COULDNT STAND SEEING THEM GROW UP AND BECOME TOLERANT TOWARDS FAGS AND ATHEISTS" "AND MAYBE HAVE SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE" You shouldn't try to mask opinion-fascism as "a nurturing upbringing". If your purpose with having kids is to create a copy of yourself then you shouldn't create children. Because holy shit what a fucking psycho you are if you create life solely to contract and dominate that life.
Solely to have a slave that you can shape to your own image. If that isn't an inhumane crime, then I don't know what the fuck is. "THEY CAN REMOVE THE VEIL IF THEY WANT WHEN THEY GET OLDER" Yeah, as if it's just that fucking simple to remove the veil after an entire upbringing of: "Bad things are going to happen if you take off that veil." As a child you're as most shapeable and vulnerable. If you have to threaten and brainwash your kid when they're as most vulnerable just so they can have the same opinions as you, what does that say about your opinions? Maybe your opinions are shit then! If your religion truly was so logical and fantastic, you wouldn't have to STRIKE WHEN THEY'RE AT THEIR WEAKEST.
Religion is about your entire understanding of reality; what this is, and the answers to the big questions. But your perception of reality is something that continually evolves and is shaped by experiences and impressions. That's sort of the thing with growing up and beginning to understand the world. It's a complicated and lengthy process, which even continues long into adulthood because there's always more to learn.
So it's completely fucking retarded to demand that a child becomes religious and has to CHOOSE their ENTIRE perception of reality when they know as LEAST about the world! Let a human grow up. Let that human shape their own ideas from within themselves, and not from outside pressure of the environment. If they later on still want to choose your religion then maybe your religion has value. Maybe there's ideas worth adapting.
If they DONT want to, well, maybe there's a good reason for it..

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