talking to you, can I?
I'm using Locations. I'm gonna be there all night,
11 an hour. I'm not, I swear.
And it's till 2:00. Yeah, 88 for the night.
I'll text you the address,
shall I? Shell? (RINGING) Miss Hepworth? That's right, Katy.
Mrs Moloch? Miss. Come in, please. We're delighted
you could do this. Oh,
did you bring an extra coat
as I advised? Yes, it's in here.
You might want
to put it on now. Oh, you weren't joking. The house is maintained at
three below
freezing at all times. My eldest brother has a...
A medical condition.
The air humidity is critical. Wow. These are old. Ah, you're
studying art, aren't you? KATY: Yes.
These originals? What would be the point,
otherwise? I have never understood
the notion of prints. Puts me in mind of wax fruit. Well, I suppose some people
can't afford the real thing. I disagree.
Bananas are very cheap
if you buy them brown. I'm joking, of course. Are they all religious? Most depict
the Harrowing of Hell. All of which is non-canonical
to the Bible.
The Harrowing of Hell? Jesus is said to have
descended into Hell and
released its captives. Set free Adam and Eve. All the Old Testament saints. You can read about it in
the Gospel of Nicodemus.
This is a lesser
known Andrea da Firenze
from the 14th century. You recognise it? Not really. We do more collages and stuff. What are you
working on at the moment? I'm doing a still life of
a pair of trainers and
a jack-in-the-box.
Sounds charming. Our teacher says
the Renaissance was the
biggest dead end in art. You don't like them? They're not what
I would choose. Oh, and what would you choose? A topless man holding a baby? Kitten in a champagne glass? Keep Calm And Carry On poster? -Well, I...
-I'm teasing.
You find them frightening. It's understandable. Still too full of life
to find solace in them. I don't agree with my teacher.
Good. Is that for your brother? Hmm?
Oh, my other brother. Hector. Oh, right.
Is he... Disabled? No. Just lazy. One day in 1998, he complained
his knees hurt on the stairs and three days later,
he installed this.
KATY: Wow. He's impulsive in
all the wrong ways. We now have zinc roofs because
he tired of galvanised steel. I have a waste disposal unit
in the sink.
(WHISPERING) But he won't
take me to Florence. Maybe one day
he'll surprise you. Doesn't know
the meaning of the word. Come through.
You've got a lovely house. "We have put her living
within the tomb." Madeline Usher and I
have a great deal in common. Do you know Poe? -From the Teletubbies?
-Who are they? It's a children's programme. There's four of them,
the smallest one's called Po.
That's not who I meant. You come highly recommended
by Gracie Proud. Friend of mine who
attends the church. Yes, she said
she's spoken to you about me.
Well, I am pleased
I have found someone like you. Someone like me? Someone I can be confident in. (WHISPERING) Championed. (MECHANICAL WHIRRING) What's that? Oh, it's Hector.
He's on his way down. It's the noise
of the stair lift. Ironically enough,
it's on its last legs. But, to business.
As people,
Hector and I
never leave the house. We have an event tonight
that surfaces so rarely, it would be considered rude
not to attend. Mrs Proud said
that your older brother... Andras.
unlike Hector, is disabled. Terribly so. Born inside out,
as my mother used to say. It's no concern
of yours, however.
He will be confined to his
room at the top of the house. Your stay here this evening is
more to look after the house than to babysit Andras. HECTOR:
He's older than us, Tabs. He's hardly a baby.
Miss Hepworth,
this is my brother, Hector. How do you do? (CHUCKLES) I play guitar,
Miss Hepworth. I'm not a vampire,
if that's what
you're thinking. No, I wasn't.
Katy, my name's Katy.
Hello. Can you tie a bow tie, Katy? No,
I don't know how to, sorry. It'll have to be
you then, Tabs. Has Tabitha gone through
the phone numbers? Not really,
she was just talking about...
Adrian, was it? Andras. Oh, he's not going anywhere.
He can wait. Mobile
telephones in this street
are useless. It's a dead zone.
Yes, my signal went. I think it's due to foliage,
or some such. And since rounding the corner, your phone will have been
in a state of outage. We were offered something
called broad bands,
weren't we? Yes,
but the man was certified.
So I closed the door.
Therefore, the landline
is of vital
importance to us here. This evening,
if the need arises, it is from this telephone
that you can call us. You won't need to ring it,
nothing will happen. Nothing ever happens,
and we are back by 2:00 a.M.
But, but-but-but,
should an emergency occur, this is the number to call. We do share a party line here,
so try to avoid eavesdropping if it happens to be engaged. Right. Do you need me to check on
Andras? Is that something
you need me to do? You have no need
to go up there.
He is fine in his room. He has everything he needs. He knows you are
here this evening.
We told him all about you. -He won't disturb you.
-HECTOR: Ahhh.
There's food in here. Obviously we have no need
of a refrigerator. Obviously. Plenty of milk.
That's Andras. Milk and rusks.
That's all he can have. The disability. That, and the fact
he doesn't have a mouth.
The car's here, Tabs.
We'd better get moving. Got everything? Just need my bag. Oh, one last thing, Katy. Just so you know.
Andras has a bell by his bed. He won't ring it. He's never rung it. But I'm telling you,
just in case.
Right. We'll be off, then. Good night, Katy. Night.
Be good. (DOOR CLOSES) (DIALLING TONE) Hello, you. (HOLLOW KNOCKING) He doesn't look disabled. (DOORBELL RINGING) (DOOR SLAMMING) God! Who lives here, the Munsters? I can't believe you found it.
Oh my God, it's freezing. What is this?
Is there no heating? No, there's someone upstairs,
they need it cold. What is he, a snowman? I can't stay here, Katy.
It's unbearable. Ugh.
These are vile. I love them. I knew you would.
They're all demons. (CHUCKLES) This lot
looks like One Direction.
Do you think things like that
actually exist? One Direction?
Sadly, yes, they do. I meant the demons. I know you did.
I was being ironical. KATY:
I think it's all just made up
to scare people.
And what's wrong with that? -I like to scare people!
-Ahhh! It comes so easily
to you, doesn't it? I'd have definitely been burnt
as a witch if I
lived in them days. You would, dressed like that. Speaking of witches,
come and see the cat,
it's so cute. Have you found out
where they keep the drink? They haven't got any.
All they've got
is milk and rusks.
SHELL: Oh, I love rusks. This house is amazing,
I could so live here. Look at this! Don't, Shell, you'll break it. It's like
Chessington for old people.
-Stop it.
-I'm getting in it. You can't, you're too big! Oh, thanks, bitch. I'm here two minutes
and I'm getting called fat. It's not that.
It's just she said
it was going to break.
(WHIRRING STOPS) And don't touch anything else! Where's this cat, then? There on the sofa. Very funny.
What have you done with it? What do you mean? -(CAT MEOWING)
-Ugh! What? You said they had a cat! -Yes, but it was stuffed.
-Get lost. It was, I stroked it,
it was rock hard. It was probably just cold.
Weren't you, little one? It's in
the pictures with them, look.
What are you doing? I'm ringing my dad.
I want to go home. Not on that, you're not. (LAUGHTER ON PHONE) -Brilliant.
-What's wrong? -It's a party line.
-What? -Excuse me? Excuse me?
-(LAUGHTER CONTINUES) I need to use the phone. (INDISTINCT CHATTERING) Do you think I could...
It's an emergency! (CHATTERING CONTINUES) That's it, I'm off. You can't just leave, Katy. What about Frosty
the Snowman upstairs?
He might melt. He's not going anywhere,
he's an invalid.
(STAIR LIFT STARTS) Well, you said it was faulty. Come on, let's go. Oh,
are you really gonna leave? Yes, I am. (BELL RINGING) Oh, no.
-What is it? -It's him.
-Who? Him. The snowman. The brother. (BELL RINGING) What should we do? I don't know.
Oh, God. They said this
wouldn't happen.
He said nothing ever happens. -(BELL RINGING)
-We'll have to go up. No, I can't.
We have to! He might be ill or something. He is ill. Well, come on then. Come on, Katy.
We can't just leave him.
It stopped.
Maybe he's all right. Yeah. It's either that,
or he's died. Don't say that! Come on, then.
Stay with me. (GIGGLES) Look at this. If she was in school uniform,
she'd look like you. -Don't, Shell!
-What? You could be a reincarnation.
Me and Carl Crawford did
this Ouija board once, and a ghost from the future
came through. How do you know he
was from the future? Because he told us that
he wasn't even dead yet. -Hello?
-Don't! What? We have to! Hello? Are you all right? -He can't answer.
-Well, why not? -He just can't.
-Why not? Because he hasn't
got a mouth, Shell.
All right? That's what they told me. Apparently,
he hasn't got a mouth.
He's not here. Don't do that! Shit. Come on. Cool! Look at this! Put that down, it's Hector's! I always wanted a guitar.
(STRUMS) Cockin' cello.
No one plays the cello. Leave it, please. Ugh. Look at this.
-What is it?
-Salt. Why has he got
salt around his bed? Maybe they've got slugs. (BELL RINGING) (BELL RINGING) (BELL RINGING) This is not worth 88. Told you it was like
At least we
didn't have to queue. (BEEPING) Ugh. Stinks! Mr Moloch? Moloch as in bollock? Shhh. Oh, creepy bed.
I knew it would be.
Deliberate. Andras? Just checking you're okay. Oh, my God. Shit.
I don't believe this. I know. Such a cheat.
He has got a mouth,
it's just bandaged up. Shell, help me.
Shell! Katy, look. What have they done to you? -Okay...
-(GASPING) Are you all right now? (GASPING) He's trying to say something. Okay, okay, slowly, slowly. Free.
Free. Yes, yes!
We're going to get you out. Mischief. What did he say? I don't know, come on! Wait a minute.
If his hands were tied up,
how was he ringing that bell? (BELL RINGING) <i> # I danced on the Friday
when the sky turned black</i> <i> # It's hard to dance
with the Devil on your back #</i> All right,
Hector, that's enough. You know I can't abide
that modern music. I don't know what
you've been doing,
but I'm calling the police. What with?
Your phone is in
a state of outage.
You keep forgetting that. "Were he as fair once,
as he now is foul, "And lifted up his brow
against his Maker, "May well proceed from him
all tribulation." Dante's Inferno. Dante's Hell was ice.
And just as Lucifer was kept
in ice, so our brother, the demon, is kept in ice. What are you talking about?
Your brother's not a demon.
Technically, you are right. Andras was possessed
when he was just 10 years old. Possessed? His name is Castiel. Demon of mischief.
Mischief. From the seed of He
Who Walks Backward. Michael Jackson? No. Not Michael Jackson.
The Goat of Mendes.
The Devil himself. -Ask 'em how they did the cat.
-Shut up. Have you been here all along? Yes. You see,
despite what my sister says, I am capable of
some surprises.
You said you had a function. Event.
I said event. And this is it. You are it.
Ask them how they did the cat. For almost half a century,
we have kept the demon
from roaming the Earth by confining
Andras to this room. Alas. The host body is only mortal.
And when our brother passes,
Castiel will be free. And that's where
you come in, Katy. You have
the strength of character
to tame the beast. You will house the demon
for another 50 years.
Fuck off! Ask them how they did the cat. I think you should have
that pleasure, Michelle. Wait, how do you... Michelle comes to our church,
Miss Hepworth.
She's one of us. We're just
keeping order, Katy. Without us,
it really would
be Hell on Earth. And I did the cat,
if you must know.
What? I hid the stuffed one
when you weren't looking. Well, you're all just mad. This is just abuse.
Your brother's not possessed. He's a frightened old man
who's been tied to
the bed for 50 years.
You're worse than the Fritzls. Stop that! Please. What is that? It's a Taser gun. How could you have not heard
of broadband but you own a Taser gun? Be still, Miss Hepworth.
Michelle, fetch the epidural. Wait! If your brother is a demon,
then where's the proof? Well, as you can see,
his feet are cloven. My mum's got feet like that,
it's just hard skin. It's ready.
Turn around,
please, Miss Hepworth. And remove your
blouse and coat. We will try to make this
as painless as possible. What are you
going to do to me? The procedure
is not unlike giving birth.
Except, the other way around. There's no
point running, Katy.
There's no way out. Mischief! Quiet, Andras! Sorry about that, Tabs.
You always said
they were like two fried eggs. That's not funny, Hector.
Where's the girl? Shit! Come on, Katy.
This is an honour.
Your sacrifice keeps misrule
from the whole world. And for that,
you'll be
rewarded in Paradise. Plus you get your babysitting
money, so it's not all
been for nothing. I thought you were my friend.
I am your friend.
I wouldn't be
doing this otherwise. Why don't you let the demon
go into you then? Oh, I wanted to, but they said
that I was too weak-willed. I think it's because I'm fat. You were chosen.
Why? Well, I can't remember now. This is Andras's
last supper, Katy. That's it. Won't be long now.
Castiel will soon be
leaving this withered husk, and he will find a new home inside you. We'll leave you
to get acquainted. You're going to be spending
a long time together. I'm so jealous.
Mmm! (MUFFLED GROANING) Mischief. (MUFFLED SCREAMING) Mischief! (MUFFLED SCREAMING) Mischief! <I> # I danced in the morning
when the world was young</i> <i> # I danced in the moon
and the stars and the sun</i> <i> # I came down from Heaven
and I danced on the Earth</i> <i> # At Bethlehem I had my birth</i> <i> # Dance,
dance, wherever you may be</i> <i> # I am the Lord of the Dance,
said He</i> <i> # And I lead you all,
wherever you may be</i> <i> # And I'll lead
you all in the dance,
said He</i> <i> # I danced for the scribes
and the Pharisees</i> <i> # They wouldn't dance,
they wouldn't follow me</i> <i> # I danced for the fishermen,
James and John</i> <i> # They came with me
so the dance went on #</i>.

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