You might wonder how should I be prepared
for the day of my hearing. What are some of the things I can do to be the most prepared
on the day of the hearing? Well, the first thing is wear comfortable clothes. Do not
wear something that is constricting to you or that you're uncomfortable with whatever
your everyday clothes are. That's what you should wear to the hearing.
This isn't a job
interview, you don't need to dress up, go as you do everyday. Jeans are perfectly fine
at hearing, sweats are perfectly fine. What you should not do is wear something that it's
extremely short or wear a lot of jewelry, a lot of makeup. Other than that you should
be fine.
Make sure you arrive early. One of the biggest
complaints I hear from judges are these people are waiting more than 2 years for hearing
and then they are late to their hearing. Make sure well in advance that you know the route
that you're going to travel, that if you need a ride that you have lined up a ride, and
if you're riding on mass transit that you know what the schedule is so you should arrive
at hearing an hour before your hearing. If you arrive an hour before that lets you be
familiar with the hearing office itself, it lets you calm down, usually people are anxious
the day of hearing and you'll be prepared to testify.
The next thing you should do if you take medication
ordinarily make sure you've taken your medication prior to your hearing. For example, if you
suffer from chronic pain you want to be able to concentrate and focus on what the judges
asking you at your hearing and you want to be as comfortable as possible. Another thing you should do is do not be afraid
to ask the judge to change positions if you are uncomfortable. If you need to stand because
you're in a lot of pain all you do is ask the judge respectfully, "Your Honor, do you
mind if I stand?" If you need to stretch your legs or prop your legs on a chair they will
allow you to do that.
Just ask the judge first prior to adjusting your position. Don't be
afraid to take a break. It is very important if you need to take a restroom break that
you do so because of you're concentrating on the fact that you need to go to the restroom
as oppose to the questions the judge is asking you might answer a question in a way that
you ordinarily would not answer because you cannot concentrate and focus upon the questions
the judge is asking. And finally, be candid, be frank and answer
the judge's questions truthfully.
Do not be evasive. You want to give the judge your best
testimony on the date of your hearing. I'm Sherri Allen with Allen Law. We will get you
the benefits that you deserve..

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