(Round timer sounds) (upbeat rock music) - I had my fair share of three
o'clock fights after school, so I definitely threw a punch before, knew how to throw a punch or take a punch. - I'm obsessed with boxing movies, but I've never actually hit someone. - I just like martial arts
and fighting in general, so I do a little bit of Judo. It's kind of one of
those jack of all trades, master of none situation.
- I tried going to boxing classes, but they were more for
like cardio and workouts, but I've never boxed with
a real person before. - I'm Alexander Enriquez. They
call me Alexander the Great. I've been boxing for five years now.
I'm three wins, zero losses,
two draws, undefeated. Pros, they don't really
touch me, so these guys, they really don't stand no chance. - I'm a solid 167. I want him to feel all this
working out I've been doing for the last couple of months.
(Dramatic music) (round timer sounds) (crowd cheering) - [Crowd] Wooo (round timer sounds) - I think I got him once
or twice in the head. What I was doing is I was anticipating when he was going to move. Moved his head to the
right, and I anticipated it, got him to the right. I mean it didn't even phase him.
- He was running way too big, Just coming in here like
he's swimming or something, and I was like, "Nah. Not
against a professional." - I am interested in boxing. I used to do it for about a year a couple of years ago,
but it's been a while. I'm pretty excited, but I
don't know if I'm confident.
(Dramatic music) (round timer sounds) (crowd cheering) (round timer sounds) - Man, it was an adrenaline rush. All the stuff that I
learned, out the door. Just swinging at him left and right, just trying to land a hit. I think I got a few body
shots here and there which is pretty awesome.
- Didn't get me. I was
rolling, flipping, ducking. Got me in the back, dirty
fire what can I say. - Hopefully those classes
that I took for a full year will help me take that man down today.
I brought my own gloves to
punch this guy in the face. (Dramatic music) (round timer sounds) - [Ivan] Man you're fast. (Crowd shouting) (round timer sounds) It was tiring for sure. I was just aiming to the face all the time Did not knock him down,
I'm kinda sad about that.
- He came in the ring throwing a lot of punches keeping me on my toes. Kept me thinking so I had
to move around a lot more, but unscratched, untouched. - So I am kind of excited to hit someone. Hopefully I do it right.
Hopefully I leave a mark.
Maybe there's some hidden aggression in me from my teenage years, we'll see. (Dramatic music) (round timer sounds) (crowd shouting) (Selorm laughs) (round timer sounds) - I didn't expect to get so
winded and get so tired so quick but I actually got a punch
in, I was really happy. It wasn't like a big punch. It was kind of a love tap, but it's okay.
I'm still gonna take it. - I was just standing there. I was gonna try to parry them
with my right and left hand and I stopped moving my
head, got flat footed, and that punch came straight in. That was probably her best punch.
She got me. She tagged me a bit. Congratulations to her. (Dramatic music).

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